Vacation Bible School Co-Directors needed
Ste. Genevieve Parish has just been informed that the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia (Nashville) will be sending two sisters to assist our parish in our Vacation Bible School June 20-25, 2016.
This is a wonderful opportunity for the children to be taught by these teaching sisters. A team of 2 to 4 Co-Directors would work with the sisters to coordinate programming, volunteers and various administrative duties. The VBS program can occur either during the day or in the evening. Sheila Roth, who has directed several VBS programs, will be happy to provide guidance for the new Co-Directors. Please consider this wonderful opportunity to work with these sisters to provide an uplifting week of activities for our parish children. For more information, or to volunteer as a Co-Director, please call or text Sheila Roth at 883-0787.