*Boys Summer Camp Opportunities

vbs 2016

Ste. Genevieve Parish recently completed its Vacation Bible School with the theme of “Cathletics”.  Co-directors were Sr. Bernadette Marie Donze and Sr. Maria Benedicta, Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia. 

VBS Over 35 youth and adult volunteers joined the sisters to help more than 65 children train to be Champions for Christ! Just as it takes hard work to train for the Olympics, it’s also important to get the right training to live out our faith.  The children became engaged into the Life of Christ with teachings from God’s Word on the Commandments, the Beatitudes, and the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.  They experienced daily faith lessons, music, games, snacks, and times of prayer.

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The parish thanks the sisters as well as the adult and youth volunteers who made this a memorable week for the VBS children!

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