As has been the case throughout the pandemic, how the virus impacts our community and Valle Catholic Schools continues to evolve. Please know our job is to make decisions to the best of our ability with the information and input received. Following the advice of the Ste. Genevieve County Health Department, we have updated our Quarantine Policy, effective January 18, 2022.

If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19: They will quarantine for 5 days from the onset of symptoms. If on day 6, symptoms are gone, they may return to work/school wearing a mask for an additional 5 days.

If a fully vaccinated student or staff member is in a household with someone who tests positive for COVID-19: They can attend work/school, but must wear a mask and monitor for symptoms for 10 days.

If an unvaccinated student or staff member is in a household with someone who tests positive for COVID-19: They must quarantine for 5 days from the last day they have been in contact with the positive person. If they do not exhibit symptoms on day 6, they may return to work/school wearing a mask for an additional 5 days. If symptoms present, they will be treated as a positive case and follow above guidelines.

Fully Vaccinated is defined as: you have received both doses of your initial vaccine within the last 6 months (within the last 2 months if you received the Johnson and Johnson vaccine) or if you’ve been boosted.

Because we cannot ensure our Early Childhood students can appropriately wear a mask and are not eligible to be vaccinated, they will quarantine for the recommended 5 days and closely monitor for symptoms on days 6-10.

We ask for your greatest courtesy of others and err on the side of caution. Please keep your child home if exhibiting any of the symptoms below until he/ she is completely well.

• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Headache, eye discomfort, or pressure behind the eyes
• Sore throat
• Runny nose, stuffy nose, congestion
• Body aches
• Fever (do not use this as in indicator, it is not always a symptom)
