*More Fun at Valle Summer Care


Hello, Friends!

StuCo will celebrate the 53rd edition of the Ste. Gen/Valle game with a short assembly in the gym on Friday, August 26th @ 2:30. Look forward to:

-A brief welcome from the football players and a reminder about behavior and conduct at the game for the younger kids
-The Valle Dance team 
-The High School Band will provide musical accompaniment
-We will play a fun game with some audience participation
-Announcement of Homecoming Royalty

valle helmet

In addition, Football Players will greet our younger students during a walkthrough of Valle Schools during the HS academic period–starting with the top floor of New Valle–at approximately 9:30.

Valle helmets (2)

Players will be available for lots of high fives and “let’s go”s!

Valle StuCo is excited for this year and for our Homecoming!

Valle StuCo

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