German I students hosted Karneval festivities for the Valle 8th graders from 8-9:45 AM in honor of Student Day of Catholic Schools Week. “Karneval” is the German version of Mardi Gras, a season of fun including parades, costumes, jokes, and music.
The 8th-graders competed in six games: Cheeseball Volcano, Knock Out, Nose Basketball, Football Toss,Tabletop Touchdown, and Loeffel.
At the end of the competition, all of the 8th-graders received Karneval masks, and the boys received colorful mustaches.
The biggest winners were crowned King and Queen Karneval, and they were King Kyle Gielow and Queen Erin Mueller. At the conclusion of the ceremony, King Kyle and Queen Erin led a parade of their subjects to eat Karneval cake.
“Karneval” means “to give up meat,” which is what people used to do for Lent, so the real “carnival” season, also known as the “Fifth Season”, is a time of fun and feasting to prepare for Lent. It begins each year on 11 November at 11:11 a.m. and finishes on Ash Wednesday of the following year with the main festivities happening around Rosenmontag (Rose Monday).
Although the festivities and parties start as early as the beginning of January, the actual carnival week starts on the Fat Thursday (Weiberfastnacht) before Ash Wednesday (in Germany). The big German carnival parades are held on the weekend before and especially on Rosenmontag, the day before Shrove Tuesday, and sometimes also on Shrove Tuesday.