I.T./Media Specialist; High School ACC English, Media Production
Sharon Tucker has been teaching for 17 years. She earned her B.S. in Education from Missouri State University in 1994. She taught at Joplin High School for one year before moving back to her home of St. Louis. For the next four years, she taught Language Arts at Affton High School. After deciding to switch to the Library/Media Specialist role, she worked in that capacity at Bayless High School for two years.
Over the next 11 years, she worked various part-time jobs, including positions at school libraries and the Ste. Genevieve County Public Library, while she raised her children. She returned full-time to education in 2012, and worked as the librarian at St. Pius X High School prior to arriving at Valle Catholic.
Sharon has four kids – all currently teenagers – at four different schools. She has been married since 1997 to a wonderful guy who happens to have graduated from Valle Catholic (Ron ’85). They also have a dog and two cats –all of whom hate each other.
What do you love most about teaching at Valle Catholic?
“The best thing about Valle is the students! Their zest for life and love of their friends and community are fuel for my soul, and I love being part of their journey.”
To our students …
“Each student matters, and I make sure they know that by learning each student’s name, even though I won’t teach most until they are seniors, and by chatting with them when they come to the library or when I go to watch them at their various sports activities. I learned a long time ago that there is more to any student than what they show when sitting in a desk at school. By talking to them in other environments, I get to know the other sides of their personalities and get to see what drives them in other arenas.”