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A popular item each year at the Valle Auction is “Lunch with My Teacher” and “Lunch with My Principal”.  This week was the time for the highest bidders to have their special time with their teachers/principal.
PreK:  Miss Connie, Mrs. Klein, and Miss Amy with Bennett Oberle, Waylon Basler, Audrey Horrell, and Grace Wolk 
Kdg:  Mrs. Wood with Braxton Schwartz  
Mrs. Bertrand with Charlie Naeger
 1st:  Mrs. Joggerst with Ben Oberle
  Mrs. Herzog with Mikayla Basler
2nd Grade: Mrs. McClure with Colton Kutz  
Mrs. Caba with Paige Gielow
Principal:  Mrs. Metzger with Brody Wolk

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