*October – Month of the Rosary

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Because October has traditionally been the month of the Rosary, students at Valle Catholic have had the opportunity to pray the Rosary a number of times throughout this month.
Every 5th Grader was partnered with a 1st Grader and they’ve gotten together and prayed the Rosary together this month.
Also some students have had the opportunity to recite the Rosary with his/her family by using a “Family/Class Rosary” that is sent home with a different student each day during the month.
 5th Graders visited Riverview Nursing Home to recite the Rosary with the residents. 
valle auction rosary

What distinguishes the Rosary from other forms of prayer is that, along with the vocal prayers, it includes a series of meditations. Each decade of the Rosary is said while meditating on one of the “Mysteries” of redemption. These mysteries originated in the 15th century.


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