*Poster Contest Winners Announced

During Catholic Schools Week, Valle Catholic students in Grades 5 and 6 participated in a poster contest sponsored by the Western Catholic Union.  This year’s theme was “Here Is My ‘Selfie’ With God’s Love”.
Valle WCU Selfie Poster Winners 'Here is My Selfie with God's Love'
Steven Looten, Fraternal Director for WCU recently visited Valle from the WCU headquarters in Quincy, Illinois for an awards presentation.
The first place winner received a $25 gift certificate to Wal-Mart; 2nd place winner, a $15 gift certificate; 3rd, 4th, and 5th place winners received a $10 gift certificate. All participants received a participation certificate and a WCU T-shirt.
Pictured are this year’s winners with Mr. Looten:

5th Grade Winners:

1st Place:  August Palmer
2nd Place:  Macy Wolk
3rd Place:  Ella Wolk
4th Place:  Emily Flieg
5th Place:  Maya Watts (absent from photo)
Valle WCU 5th Grade Winners

6th Grade Winners:

1st Place:  Josh Bieser
2nd Place:  Abby Marzuco
3rd Place:  Samantha Loida
4th Place:  Aiden Heberlie
5th Place:  Michael Okenfuss
Valle WCU 6th Grade Winners

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