*Regional Math Competition

During Lent Valle Catholic students participated in a Lenten tradition: Catholic Relief Services-Operation Rice Bowl.

rice bowl logo

Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States.  It is a six week program that supports more than 100 million lives around the world.  This program supports Catholic Relief Services’ projects throughout the world with 75% of the money funding food security projects overseas and Lenten education efforts in the United States and 25% remaining in dioceses in the United States to support local hunger and poverty alleviation efforts.

Each year individuals, parishes, and schools are encouraged to pray, fast, and give to our global community.  CRS assist the poor and vulnerable overseas; responding to major emergencies, fighting disease and poverty, and nurturing peaceful and just societies as well as serve Catholics in the United States.

PreK 2016 Rice Bowl 1 (800x533)

This year Valle Catholic Grade School collected over $1070 .00 which will be added to the donations from the Ste. Genevieve parishioners.

rice bowl counting

Pictured are Fourth Graders “cashing” in the collection at the local US Bank with the help of the US Bank employees and the PreKindergarten Class sorting the silver coins from the pennies.

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The Valle Catholic students would like to thank everyone who donated to the Rice Bowls and to US Bank for their help in exchanging our coins into bills!

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